On 7/07/2009 10:13 AM, Rick Ratchford wrote:
> Hi Simon. 
> Ah. So what I need to do then is to make the return of strftime of type INT.
> Since I'm creating a recordset from an existing table (rather than creating
> a table itself), then I don't have the option to set the affinity of my
> newly created column Day to INT.
> Can CAST(strftime('%d', Date), INTEGER) be used in this context, or is there
> another way?

It can be used, but not with a very productive outcome.

Consider getting answers faster by (a) trying things out yourself, e.g. 
type this at the sqlite3 command-line program:

select CAST(strftime('%d', '2009-06-30'), INTEGER);

and (b) looking at the docs; in this case 
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