On 8/07/2009 2:14 AM, Rick Ratchford wrote:

> To John Machin: To save from answering multiple messages (and save space for
> all), I'll address John's reply here.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Consider getting answers faster by (a) trying things out yourself, e.g. 
> type this at the sqlite3 command-line program:
> select CAST(strftime('%d', '2009-06-30'), INTEGER);
> and (b) looking at the docs; in this case
> http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html";
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I'll consider myself admonished. But let me say that I go through a lot of
> searching and testing before I ask questions. Also, I'm a novice programmer
> and really new to SQLite. So some things may be more obvious to others than
> to me. I'm not yet familiar with a "sqlite3 command-line program".

It's a very handy utility ... trying syntax out to see if it works; 
prototyping queries before you embed them in VB6 or whatever; lots more 
uses. In future when you have a question like "why is my query producing 
output X instead of output Y" you will be helping yourself more if you 
publish the query and say "I've run this using the sqlite3 program and 
it gives the same unexpected results" [you now have a larger audience; 
people who don't know any VB6 can help you] or "it gives the expected 
results" [you've isolated the problem to be related to usage of VB6; 
you'll get more focussed responses]

docs: http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite.html

download: http://www.sqlite.org/download.html
See "Precompiled Binaries For Windows ... sqlite-3_6_16.zip (246.32 
KiB)     ... A command-line program for accessing and modifying SQLite 

> I'm
> programming in VB6. My question on CAST wasn't so much whether I can do it
> (as testing would bear out), but was more towards whether I should do it.

If you mean "should", say "should", not "can".

> Experts here could steer me away towards a better way that I'm not aware of.

> Anyway, thank you John.

You're welcome.
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