On 24 Jul 2009, at 2:51pm, Jay A. Kreibich wrote:

>  As an experienced user of SQLite, I guess I'd rather have the
>  developers working on great new database features, rather than build
>  scripts.

SQLite has enough fans that people are happy to build binaries for  
major platforms.  If the SQLite web site will host those binaries, or  
even just a page with URLs where you can find those binaries, that  
makes 99.9% of users happy.  That includes me: for what I do all I  
want is a '.h' header file and a '.a' library file.

It's the 1% that we're discussing here.  They want to customise their  
copies or build with unusual settings, so they can't use standard  
binaries.  Fortunately, half (?) the people who want to do this know  
how to do it themselves: use 'make', or create a project in their  
favourite IDE, or whatever.

So now we're down to one person in 2000 who needs a special build but  
doesn't know enough to write makefiles, or set all the settings for  
their favourite compiler, or whatever.  And they're really hard to  
cater for because they all have different platforms, compilers, and  
IDEs.  And popular as SQLite is it's not popular enough to have  
experts on each one of these things.

So I think this mailing list does pretty well in dealing with such  
people, considering that we have nobody paid to do it.  It's gonna  
have to be like that for a while.  SQLite is trendy right now: lots of  
cool new portable platforms need a tiny light SQL system.  People will  
get by.

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