On 23/08/2009 3:08 PM, Itzchak Raiskin wrote:
> Hi
> I want to use SQLite in a GIS application where I create a database
> containing terrain data (coordinates, height).
> I would like to query this database with start and end points of a line and
> get a vector with all heights point along this line.
> I can, of course create a query for each point along the line, but this will
> be very time consuming as I have hundreds of lines with hundreds of points.
> Any suggestions?

Specify with some precision what tables of data you expect to have:

create table terrain_data (id, x, y, height) -- ??
create table line (?????)

How is the terrain data expressed? I.e. are "cordinates" (lon, lat) or 
something else? Height above what in what units?

What is a "line"? 2D or 3D?

Note you say you have hundreds of lines but don't say how they are 
related to the terrain data ...

Explain "get a vector with all heights point along this line" in 
mathematical terms

Explain "for each point along the line"

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