Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>>>>   2. *Quotes in SELECT*: Specification of Field='3' failed to find
>>>>      hits; Field=3 (i.e. without quotes) was required.
>> This is a feature, not a bug.  SQLite 3.x distinguishes between
>> integers and strings and does not consider them equal to one another.
>> You might have some rows where Field='3' and different rows where
>> Field=3 and SQLite will distinguish between them.
> BTW, I've re-read documentation about this, felt that something wrong
> here, tried it out and saw that your (Rod) complaint is wrong in this
> particular case:
> sqlite> create table t (n integer, t text);
> sqlite> insert into t values (1, '3');
> sqlite> select * from t;
> 1|3
> sqlite> select * from t where n = 1;
> 1|3
> sqlite> select * from t where n = '1';
> 1|3
> sqlite> select * from t where t = '3';
> 1|3
> sqlite> select * from t where t = 3;
> 1|3
> sqlite> select * from t where +n = '1';
> sqlite>
> Pavel
I know what I saw: I had to change some of my selects, removing single 
quotes from literals, in order for selects to have the same result as on 
version 2. Perhaps the fact that my column definitions declared no 
typing has an effect here?


Regards, Rod Dav4is / P.O. Box 118 / Hyde Park, NY 12538 / USA
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538 ancestral & collateral families, mostly 17°-19° century 
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