Whoa! All I did was report two problems that I encountered when 
upgrading from version2 to version3! I was told that my problems were 
not problems at all; In fact one of them was a feature!  That sounds 
kinda arrogant to me.
    As far as freezing the language, I made no such statement or 
request. But I did imply that a migration document would have been 
useful. I certainly don't feel qualified to write such a document 
because I'm pretty sure that my puny application hardly represents an 
exhaustive test of SQLite version compatibly -- and software testing is 
something that I happen to know quite a bit about.
    *re documentation suggestions:* Well, in fact I have. I suggested 
that a definition of exactly what is meant by "applied affinity" is needed.


Jean-Christophe Deschamps wrote:
> Umm,
> At 05:16 03/09/2009, you wrote:
> ´¯¯¯
>> Thanks for reminding me: A thing's value is generally proportional to
>> its cost. And the attitude of its support team figures in there, too.
>> -R.
>>>> Whether _you_ consider them problems or not, they were certainly
>>>> problems for me, migrating a working application to version 3 and 
>> having
>>>> it fall over in subtle ways because of these undocumented two vs three
>>>> differences. They cost me several hours of unnecessary analysis time.
>>> You should bill DRH for this. Or, ask for your money back. Seriously,
>>> esp. since the product is still under warranty.
> `---
> What a wonderful example of arrogant attitude!  What a brilliant 
> understanding you demonstrate of what "open (and _free_) software" means!
> DRH, other developpers and hundreds of contributors really should have 
> frozen SQLite design from the day You Mighty wrote the first line of 
> Your Mighty code, just to avoid You Mighty the horrible frustration of 
> having to change Your Mighty code at all.  And this of course until the 
> sun goes nova: think of Your Mighty descendants!
> What have you contributed so far to allow yourself such superior 
> position?  Have you ever shown the faintest step of commitment that so 
> many here constantly bring to SQLite, openly or silently?
> Are you the author of one definitive "Guide for migrating SQLite v2x to 
> v3x applications" that will be available in the Wiki for anyone to 
> benefit?  Have you made any proposal to improve existing documentation 
> or code?
> Please, make us the favor to switch to Oracle or any other utterly 
> expensive RDBMS and go whine elsewhere for lack of support/reactivity 
> (esp. Oracle).
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Regards, Rod Dav4is / P.O. Box 118 / Hyde Park, NY 12538 / USA
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538 ancestral & collateral families, mostly 17°-19° century 
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email: dav...@yahoo.com
A Democrat, a Republican and a giraffe walk into a bar. The 
bartender looks up from his want ads and says, "What is this, a joke?"

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