
On Sep 15, 2009, at 12:55 PM, D. Richard Hipp wrote:

> On Sep 15, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Tito Ciuro wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Given the following pragma integrity_check output:
>>> sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
>>> rowid 106931 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_MyDBState_1
>>> rowid 106933 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_MyDBState_1
>>> rowid 106935 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_MyDBState_1
>>> wrong # of entries in index sqlite_autoindex_MyDBState_1
>> Does this mean that:
>> 1) the index is corrupted
>> 2) the rowids are truly missing (data loss)
>> Running vacuum doesn't solve the problem.
> It means the index is corrupt.  Try running "REINDEX".

When I run REINDEX I get the following error:

> SQL error: indexed columns are not unique

The table was created like this:

> CREATE TABLE MyDBState (clientName TEXT, entityName TEXT,  
> propertyNames BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (clientName, entityName))

If I output the data using sqlite3, I get:

> sqlite> SELECT clientName, entityName FROM SyncState ORDER BY  
> entityName;
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.CalendarURI
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.Contact
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.Date
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.Email Address
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.Group
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.IM
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.ImageTransformationInfo
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.ImageTransformationInfo
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.Phone Number
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.Phone Number
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.Related Name
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.Related Name
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.SmartGroup
> com.apple.AddressBook|com.apple.contacts.SmartGroup
> sqlite>

Thanks again,

-- Tito
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