Hi Scott,

On Sep 15, 2009, at 8:04 PM, Scott Hess wrote:

> Do you have any reason to believe that your database had exactly a
> single corruption?

What do you mean by 'single corruption'? This particular database is  
prone to index corruption. We just don't know why yet. Why I reported  
is what I obtain by running pragma integrity_check. I don't know how  
else to look for additional corruption.

> My experience is that once you've found one bit of corrupt data, it's
> highly likely that you'll find others.  Earlier, you said your index
> was corrupt.  The index is how SQLite enforces things like primary key
> uniqueness, so if your index is corrupt, you can lose that uniqueness
> guarantee.

I understand, but this begs the question: how does the index get  
corrupted in the first place? Is there a known reason? If I know where  
to look, perhaps I could find the culprit.

Thank you,

-- Tito

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