On Sep 22, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Lukas Gebauer wrote:

>> A simple rule of thumb is to look at how useful features would be to
>> other SQLite users.  Note that you are the only one to have asked for
>> this feature and not one other person has agreed with you on its  
>> need!
>> The responses have generally been along the lines of suggesting you
>> organize your code so that you do not need it.  But even if it was
>> added as a debugging aid, do you expect people to compile up two
>> versions of SQLite - one with debugging aids on and another with them
>> off?  This feature would impose decisions like that on others in
>> addition to the future maintenance costs.
> You must be very unhappy about current existence of
> sqlite3_get_autocommit function, right? You said, by the way: "It is
> not needed, if you organize your code well." :D It is the same case!

Obscure fact: Sometimes out-of-memory or IO errors can force SQLite to
rollback an active transaction. And sometimes not. Depends on exactly
where the error strikes. So some particularly fault-resistant  
use sqlite3_get_autocommit() to determine exactly what happened after
one of these errors occurs.


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