On 14 Oct 2009, at 3:37am, Roger Binns wrote:

> Are you willing to stake your reputation and whatever else on there  
> being
> bug free implementations of AFP and SMB.  (BTW in a past life I  
> coded an SMB
> server - the other clients and servers out there are definitely not  
> bug free :-)
> Users of SQLite won't appreciate their databases being just a little  
> bit
> corrupted infrequently.

Obviously, I'm not about to say that any program is completely bug- 
free.  But I do stake my reputation on Apple's implementation of AFP  
being not buggy for long, since my job involves me writing code and  
running computers which depend on it.  And although I've found plenty  
of bugs in my own code I've never found the underlying file protocol  
to be buggy.  What I will say is this: I see no reason why there  
should be more bugs in the AFP locking code than there are in the  
locking code that comes into play if you're accessing a file on your  
own hard disk.

I expect Apple tries to fix bugs in its AFP code pretty quickly.  And  
I expect Microsoft pays just as much attention to bugs in its SMB  
code.  I won't say the same for a Linux implementation of either  
protocol, though experience suggests that bugs which do exist in  
implementations which are part of a big Linux distribution are better  

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