On 14 Oct 2009, at 1:21am, priimak wrote:

> I am heaving small problem with sqlite. I have a webapp which connects
> to the database using sqlite-jdbc and performs SELECTs to response to
> different GET requests, while this happens if I try to write to a
> database ( UPDATE or INSERT ) from command line, that (i.e. update
> process) would occasionally fail with error message "SQL error near  
> line
> 1: database is locked". Notice that I have only one writer, but many
> readers. Reading documentation (http://www.sqlite.org/ 
> lockingv3.html) I
> was under impression that process which intends to update database  
> will
> place it in the pending state allowing all currently running reads (
> SELECTs ) to proceed, while blocking new SELECTs, the lock database
> apply changes and then unlock it allowing all pending and new  
> SELECTs to
> proceed. Am I right about it and if so why do I "SQL error near line  
> 1:
> database is locked" when trying to write to a database?

I hope this will do until an expert comes along.  I think you got it  
right, you just don't know something.

The SELECT activity requires a lock to the database.  For instance,  
consider a TABLE contact with columns name, address, phone .  An index  
is declared on just the name column.  You execute

SELECT phone FROM contacts WHERE name = 'Jackie'

This requires a two-stage process: first use the index to find the ids  
of the rows which have the right name.  Then look up those rows in the  
table and find out which phone numbers they have.  Obviously, this  
requires locking: you wouldn't want someone to make changes to the  
table between those two steps.  However, it requires locking only  
against writing: other reads going on at the same time are harmless,  
but a change between the two steps can invalidate the data.

So if a SELECT is in progress, other SELECT commands can be allowed to  
proceed without problems. But no INSERT or UPDATE can be allowed until  
the SELECT is finished.  Hence you will sometimes get a lock on the  

How you deal with this, I don't know.  Random wait-and-try-again ?

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