On Thu, 22 Oct 2009, D. Richard Hipp wrote:

> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
> From: D. Richard Hipp <d...@hwaci.com>
> Subject: [sqlite] Spam filtering.   Was: Data migration tool certification
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:16 AM, hfdabler wrote:
>> I have been using the Talend software for a few months now ...
> Needless to say, "hfdabler" has been permanently banned from this
> list.  Not that that matters any since "hfdabler" is likely a throw-
> away email address and he had already unsubscribed himself by the time
> I was able to investigate.
> Mailman allows me to filter messages by header content, but not by the
> content of the body of a message.  Hence, for some time now we have
> been rejecting submissions that contain the word "Talend" in the
> Subject line.  But the version of Mailman we are running does not
> allow me to filter messages that contain "Talend" in the body of the
> message.  Does anyone know if there is a newer version of Mailman
> available that has improved spam filtering capabilities?  Is there a
> different mailing list manager we should consider switching to?
> I have changed settings so that moderator approval is required in
> order to join the mailing list.  Perhaps that will be sufficient to
> head off future attacks such as the above.  But it will also mean that
> new people will have to wait until I get around to approving them
> before they can send emails to this list.
> Are there other suggestions on how to limit or curtail the kind of
> mailing list abuse practiced by Talend?
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@hwaci.com

Hi Richard. I don't use mailman, but you should be able to 
integrate tmda to work with mailman.

TMDA allows you to do email whitelist and blacklist 
filtering with regex pattern matching on all sorts of 
things, including strings in the body of an email.

Googling for mailman tmda appears to return some usefull 
results :)


Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts


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