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Darren Duncan wrote:
> But on a newer SQLite that implements the stronger typing support I proposed, 
> when that feature is active then columns with declared types like INTEGER/etc 
> would enforce that only values of that type are stored there, 

I might have misunderstood you.  Do you really mean that a new SQLite
version should enforce the types with 'UNIVERSAL' meaning any?  Do you
really expect everyone to have to upgrade their database schemas for this?

> shorthand for an appropriate CHECK constraint, 

Now I am even more confused.  There is this alleged group of people out
there who need type enforcing but are somehow unable to put in CHECK
constraints (which also let you addition stuff like range checks and other
restrictions on values), so the rest of us would have to start littering our
schemas with 'UNIVERSAL' to cater for them?

I have yet to see a clear demonstration of two things:

Why developers who want particular type/value constraints are unable to just
go ahead and use constraints?

Why developers who want 'strong types' don't realise that modulo type
affinity you get out what you put in so don't put in "wrong" types!

In short what problem actually needs to be solved and what is wrong with the
existing tools for those who have the problem?

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