On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Shaun Seckman (Firaxis)
<shaun.seck...@firaxis.com> wrote:
> The SQLite Consortium membership would be great but so far this
> newsgroup has answered every single one of my questions within a 2 hour
> window of posting..for free!  (you guys frickin rock.)  So SQLite
> development is purely guided by requests from consortium members?  There
> aren't any planned features that the developers wish to include just for
> maintenance or to add to already amazing feature set and polish of
> SQLite?

Speaking from past experience with open-source projects, often enough
if you have an explicit roadmap, people continually pester you with
messages like "Is it done yet?" and "Why isn't it done, yet?" and "My
gosh, how long could it possibly take you to implement such a trivial
feature?".  Also, it discourages outside developers from doing it
themselves and submitting patches.  If your project has a really big
development team, you need such a roadmap just to keep everyone
somewhat on-topic, but I think the set of core SQLite developers isn't
large enough to require that level of formality.

Realistically, if SQLite doesn't have the features you need right now,
it's probably risky to assume that it will acquire the features before
you need them.  Either budget to work around the lacking features, or
budget to implement them.  [And always remember that it's cheap to ask
- maybe the feature is in there, you just mis-understood something.]

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