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Shaun Seckman (Firaxis) wrote:
> The SQLite Consortium membership would be great but so far this
> newsgroup has answered every single one of my questions within a 2 hour
> window of posting..for free!  

The consortium membership is not about answering mailing list questions.  It
makes the SQLite team become virtual members of your development team.
Buying support is in the same kind of vein but to a lesser extent.

> So SQLite
> development is purely guided by requests from consortium members? 

No, they just get highest priority.  Look carefully at the links to get the
full list of benefits.  Think of scenarios like hitting a critical bug two
days before a product release and not being able to tell if it is your code
or SQLite.  Or having a new feature come out in a new SQLite version and
wanting it backported to an older version.  Or desperately needing some
feature/functionality right now because some other component has gone over
CPU/memory/disk bandwidth budgets.  Or maybe you want the test suites ported
to some new platform.

> As for buying the extension, I remember seeing it in the list
> of professional support a few months ago but it currently isn't listed
> anymore.

Contact them - HWACI is DRH's company - http://www.hwaci.com/contact.html

> Another potential feature that could benefit my usage and possibly
> others is if prepared statements could use memory allocated from the
> stack rather than the heap

That sounds rather tricky unless it is stack higher up in the call chain.
Again I'm sure DRH can discuss that with you.

> if memory allocated for one statement
> could be reused for another one (assuming that previous statement has
> been completely finalized).

All memory from a statement is freed when you finalize.  Do you mean when
you reset?

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