
you mentioned full-text search.
I just tried to search for mentioning of sqlite3_interrupt in the sqlite
The main is the implemention of the function itself that just sets the
isInterrupted variable:

void sqlite3_interrupt(sqlite3 *db){
  db->u1.isInterrupted = 1;

but all of of fts_* sources lacks using this variable at all. I heard that
fts is implemented a little separately to the main core code. So I suppose
any job involving working with internal fts structures (packed data inside
blobs) currently can ignore checking this variable. Can someone more
familiar with the fts correct or confirm this?


On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 3:18 AM, Simon <> wrote:

> I am using sqlite3 with an FTS3 index for a software running on an iPod
> Touch.
> I have a text field that launches a full text search query at every key
> press.
> There is a huge speed difference between these devices and what I got
> accustomed to on desktop computers...
> To mitigate that, I use an asynchronous query and send a sqlite3_interrupt
> before each new query when a new key is pressed.
> However, it seems that some process (that can take several tens of seconds)
> in the first sqlite3_step does not test for interrupt (resulting in
> simultaneous uninterrupted concurrent threads...)
> Is there some way to change that?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Best regards,
> Simon.
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