On 2 Jul 2010, at 9:00pm, c...@comcast.net wrote:

> I then created a sub-folder in my Eclipse Android project structure under the 
> "assets" folder and named it "databases". 
> Is this the correct place to put a database file? 

You can put your database file anywhere you have read/write privilages.  SQLite 
just reads and writes to that file using standard commands.  It does not insist 
that all your database files are in a particular folder.

> My bigger question is - how do I get to it? 

Specify the full path of your file when you open the file.  For example 

> As a side question, I have successfully worked thru the sqlite db example in 
> the Hello, Android book starting on p. 170 but can't seem to find the 
> events.db file anywhere. 

If you specified just the filename and no path, then you may not know where 
your application put that file.  Use the facilities of your computer to search 
for any file with the right name, or just forget that one and specify a full 
path in future.

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