
for a few days we have been running our application with SQLite built from
the 201007091257 snapshot. The application runs on Windows 7 systems that
are fully updated. We didn't enable the WAL mode and the following two
problems occurred:

- Every time a database file is opened SQLite tries to access the WAL file
even though WAL was never used on the database.
- Some commands fail intermittently when two connections are opened to the
same database. An SQLITE_IOERR error is returned.

Log from Process Monitor are available at

Apparently the second problem is caused by the following call that wasn't
present in the logs:
16:53:00,5982911 MailClient.exe 2712 CreateFile C:\Users\Filip
Navara\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\main.dat-journal SHARING VIOLATION Desired
Access: Read Attributes, Delete, Disposition: Open, Options: Non-Directory
File, Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete,
AllocationSize: n/a

We'd welcome any advice on solving the issue and we will provide any
additional information requested.

Best regards,
Filip Navara
sqlite-users mailing list

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