On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Pankaj Chawla <pankaj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply. Wont keeping things in memory lead to chances of
> db getting corrupt especially in cases of power failure or device reboots.

You have to decide what you want. The problem is if you don't want to be
anything written to the storage until 2 minutes passed, you won't be able to
restore this 'anything' if the power is lost. Or you don't care about
restoring and just want to be sure the db won't be corrupted? If the latter
the temporal storage and appending it to persistent storage every 2 minutes
is ok since if it's a transaction, sqlite will take care of the power loss
consequences regardless of whether it's a single insert or multiply from a
temporal table

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