On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Michele Pradella <
michele.prade...@selea.com> wrote:

>  I forgot to tell you something: in my situation the -shm file is
> always small in size (about 6-7MB) even when I got 2GB of Virtual Bytes.
> But it seams that is mapped too much times.
> I see something that you could obtain if you do this:
> for (int i=0;i<1000;i++)
>     "Map -shm in memory"
> This is the strange behavior...because seams that the file is mapped in
> memory but never removed: probably it's removed only when you close the
> connection, but if the during the query you wast too much memory you got
> "Disk I/O error" and the application reach an critical state.
Michele, thanks for pointing out to vmmap, sysinternals made them so fast, I
can not track them all. This is an excellent utility.
I think that the development team already knows that is going on, just my

As long as I see, every next file mapping wants to see not only requested
32k region, but also every prior, so every CreateFileMapping/MapViewOfFile
wants more on every next step, 32k-64k-96k (this is visible in vmmap and
corresponds to the code in winShmMap). And as long as I see, the problem is
that Windows allocates separated ranges of memory space for every region
even if they're intersecting, i.e every MapViewOfFile needs to find a brand
new address space range for every new region request. So we have

2,000,000k = (32k*(X + 1)/2)*X

where X - is the number of region requests when the memory address space get
to 2g limit.
And the answer for this X here is about 350 that leads us to 350*32k = 11M
shm file. So this size that I noticed in my tests confirms this theory

I don't know about the internal logic that requires this, but on Windows 350
regions is a maximum in this case. Does it mean that linux share address
space for superset/subset regions in contrary to Windows logic?

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