On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 10:24 AM, "Richard Wähnelt" <deslo...@web.de> wrote:
> Hello there,
> I hope, someone can help me with the problem I'm having.
> The whole picture:
> I'm running a .NET 3.5 application using System.Data.SQLite as provider. 
> Inserting Data happens via Entity Framework and Linq to Entitites. For 
> querying data I use DataAdapter/DataView/DataGridView combination with 
> SQL-Strings. The application runs 24/7.
> I created the database with just plain DDL commands and added two triggers, 
> no changes to configuration were made. The size of the sqlite file is about 
> 100 MB and there is data being inserted every 2 seconds. Each insert triggers 
> either one of the triggers. After a while (considerably short time of 1 day) 
> the memory consumption of my application as seen in Windows Task Manager 
> grows from about 60 MB to 150 MB. As far as I can tell, this doesn't come 
> from my application directly.
> This becomes a problem because the system is only equipped with Intel Atom 
> 1.6 GHz and 1 GB RAM (no other applications are running) and after a while my 
> application slows down and doesn't compute input as fast as needed.
> My question is now:
> Is Sqlite somewhere caching data? If so, how do I disable it or decrease the 
> amount of cached data?
> Or does this maybe happen in combination with the DataConnections for 
> EntityFramework and/or DataAdapter and do I need to reset them somehow to 
> clear memory?

It's probably not SQLite.  My experience is that using EF in the
obvious way creates a lot of leaks.  I was quite surprised when I
first tried to do a mass-insert and found it using gigabytes of memory
regardless of how i tweaked batch size, context lifetime, and garbage
collection.  I'm sure there's a way around it documented
somewhere--perhaps it's related to change tracking.  Maybe you're
running into the same issues.

Cory Nelson
sqlite-users mailing list

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