> Okay.  I worked out a solution, but I am still unsure of why it fixes the 
> problem.

Does it really fix your problem? Can you provide output from command
line utility before the fix and after? I don't see how it can fix

>  Nevertheless your point is well-taken that the data could be something other 
> than UTF8, especially since InDesign uses a WideString class internally.

Which means that you most probably deal with UTF-16 and maybe need to
use sqlite3_bind_text16 instead of sqlite3_bind_text.

> I'm pretty sure I have taken the steps that need to be taken to transform the 
> WideString objects to basic_string objects, but that is an assumption that 
> needs to be tested, and I am working on a way to do that right now.

Could you show us how did you transform WideString objects into string ones?

> Supposedly, basic_string deals with nothing other than UTF8 strings.  That 
> has been my assumption until now.  I will let you know what I figure out.  
> Soon.

You are wrong here. First of all don't talk about basic_string when
you talk about string which is basic_string<char> - that makes a lot
of difference. So string deals with nothing other than sequence of
bytes. It doesn't know anything about encodings and doesn't even know
if the data it has is text or some binary stuff. It knows only a
sequence of bytes and its length. So if you put into string something
in UTF-16 encoding it will work with that without problems, although
SQLite won't understand it if it expects UTF-8.

> My only guess is that basic_string::c_str() doesn't really provide a pointer 
> to a null-terminated c-style string, but a facsimile of one that SQLite 
> doesn't like.

c_str() provides pointer to the data that string has with additional
null byte added at the end. That's it. Whether it is a null-terminated
c-style string depends on what data you put into it. If that data has
null bytes in it then SQLite will see only part of your string, though
I'm not sure that it was the actual problem you have seen.

>      char *surbuf[100];
>      memset(surbuf, 0, 100);
>      strcpy(surbuf, CurrentName -> second.GetSurName().c_str());

Don't do this in production application as it can overflow your surbuf
(if GetSurName() returns something that is longer than 100 bytes).
Apart from that this statement and call to strlen() further do nothing
different than SQLite does by itself when you provide to it simple
result of c_str() and let it determine length of the string. So this
definitely can't fix any problem. I guess you somehow changed result
of GetSurName() on the way here.


On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 6:18 PM, john darnell
<john.darn...@walsworth.com> wrote:
> Okay.  I worked out a solution, but I am still unsure of why it fixes the 
> problem.  Or rather, I know why it works, but it still doesn't explain why 
> the basic_string::c_str() call did not work.  My only guess is that 
> basic_string::c_str() doesn't really provide a pointer to a null-terminated 
> c-style string, but a facsimile of one that SQLite doesn't like.
> Here's that statement from my code again with the mods included that make the 
> code work:
>      char *surbuf[100];
>      memset(surbuf, 0, 100);
>      strcpy(surbuf, CurrentName -> second.GetSurName().c_str());
>      idx = -1;
>      idx = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ResultStmt, ":sur");
>      sqlite3_bind_text(ResultStmt, idx,  surbuf, strlen(surbuf), 
> BTW, I was using the .output command in the SQLITE3 shell to attempt piping 
> my output to a file.  The command looked like this:
> .output c:\sqlite.txt
> Select * from Names;
> When I went to the root of C: I did not find the file. So I removed the path 
> from the filename and later found it in the SQLLite directory from which I 
> was running the shell.
> R,
> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org 
>> [mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org]
>> On Behalf Of Pavel Ivanov
>> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 4:44 PM
>> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
>> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Troubleshooting...
>> > So you can see that when I add the hard-coded data, everything looks fine 
>> > in the
>> results of the select statement, which leads me to believe that the problem 
>> is not
>> confusion between UTF8 and UTF16 output.
>> Your hardcoded data has only characters from ASCII set which don't
>> differ from the same in UTF-8. Besides SQLite API and command line
>> utility don't check your strings to be valid UTF-8. SQLite API puts
>> into database whatever you give to it, command line utility throws to
>> stdout whatever it finds in the database (so my guess could be wrong
>> and your input strings could be not in UTF-8 but in some other
>> encoding). It's totally developer's responsibility to make sure that
>> encoding put into database is the same as is expected when it's
>> retrieved from database.
>> > I could not figure out how to pipe my info to a file
>> One of possible solutions is to use .output command in the sqlite3
>> utility (you can use .help command to see everything that is available
>> to you there) or to provide your sql statement as last argument when
>> you start sqlite3 utility and use standard redirection like this:
>> sqlite3 database.db "select * from mytable" >output.txt
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