On 20 Dec 2010, at 22:18, Simon Slavin wrote:

> On 20 Dec 2010, at 9:02pm, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> (2) Create your own custom mini-SQL-server using SQLite and your own
>> protocol for your applications to talk to that min-server over the network.
> In your opinion (or in the opinion of anyone else intimately familiar with 
> SQLite), is SQLite suited to this ?  It could be done as a standard package, 
> provided and supported by the same team that supports standard SQLite and 
> provided in the same amalgamated form.  The procedure would presumably be 
> something like:
> 1) Pick a pair of ports for the protocol and start the process of getting the 
> IETF to recognise them.
> 2) Devise a protocol to encode all the functions in 
> <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/funclist.html> so they can be used over IP.
> 3) Do the programming for the server and client.
> Does the team think it's worth doing this ?  Or will the vast majority of 
> people who need networked SQL also need a bunch of other features like user 
> privilages which mean you might as well just use one of the existing 'big' 
> SQLs ?

I'm not "intimately familiar with SQLite" but I do have a lot of experience in 
this kind of work: I was employed by IBM as part of the WebSphere MQ (aka 
MQSeries) development team for 7 years before I set up my own company.

The bulk of the code and almost all of the complexity in such systems is to 
deal with the problem that the data is managed by/in one address-space and 
needs to be used by/in another address-space. User authentication/authorisation 
and I suspect the rest of the 'bunch of other features' are not a big deal 
compared to the pervasive structural differences enforced by dealing with this 
problem (as compared to deliberately not dealing with it). SQLite is 
deliberately designed not to try and solve it. I imagine you would meet a lot 
of resistance if you tried to insert that complexity into SQLite when it has 
been so deliberately avoided: I certainly wouldn't want it slowing down my apps.

Inserting a network between the two address-spaces doesn't change much code in 
the short term, but it does change the balance of where you put processing: try 
to send the minimum data in the minimum number of conversations across the 

Notes on your procedure:

1) You only need to specify the server port; not sure why you think you need 
another. It is hard but not terribly hard to get a recognised port; it helps if 
you ask IANA and not the IETF, as they own the list. You should also question 
whether you require a fixed port as doing so precludes running more than one 
instance per IP address. I would argue that it is better today to use 
unpredictable port numbers and dns-sd to identify where the instance you want 
is available.

2) Protocol design is difficult to do at all and extremely difficult to do 
well. For example, how would you implement sqlite3_create_function-installed 
user functions in such a way that transactions are never blocked for ludicrous 
amounts of time waiting for results. There are other more difficult problems 
but this one is the easiest difficult one to understand.

3) This is the easy bit.

My hunch is that if this were done the result would be something no-one wants: 
not much smaller than Postgres/MySQL/etc, as complex to use as 
Postgres/MySQL/etc (more so as most stuff you want to achieve with those can be 
done with google and copy/paste), and probably significantly slower.

Best Regards,

Phil Willoughby
Managing Director, StrawberryCat Limited

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