Hello Simon,

On Jan 31, 2011, at 8:29 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:

> On 31 Jan 2011, at 7:55pm, Tito Ciuro wrote:
>> What do you mean by "no further"? In my app, I use both statements. I have 
>> trimmed down the code in this email thread to show the error. Be sure I use 
>> these two statements later on. The reason I cache the statements is to save 
>> time during inserts, since I use them a lot.
> There's probably no reason not to do that.  Sorry for any alarm.
>> If having two statements prepared is not permissible, should't it fail on 
>> Mac OS X as well?
> There are plenty of examples of SQLite stuff that succeeds in one compiler 
> and fails in another, or succeeds on one OS or File System and fails in 
> another.  SQLite doesn't exhaustively error-check every operation because if 
> would slow it down too much.  So the only things that are safe to do are the 
> things the documentation says you can do.
> But please ignore my previous question about having two simultaneous prepared 
> statements.
> Simon.

No, problem, thanks for your help.

After refactoring the code a bit and catching/reporting errors better, it 
started working again. I'm still not 100% sure why it didn't work before, which 
bugs me quite a bit. But, after spending some time testing it, I've had so far 
100% success rate during testing and execution. Go figure... :-/

Best regards,

-- Tito

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