On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 11:53 AM, eric wong <ewl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But now, I must get the data from certain PATIENT_GROUP.
> What's your best approach to solve this? The objective is the fastest
> possible query.
> Thanks.

There's an approach with "order by random" mentioned by Richard, there's
also another one that is self-explained from this query

SELECT * FROM Table LIMIT 1 OFFSET abs(random() % (SELECT Count(*) FROM

in your case this should lead to something like

SELECT patient_id FROM TB_Patient
WHERE patient_group=$group
OFFSET abs(random() % (SELECT Count(*) FROM TB_Patient WHERE GroupId=$group)

Both approaches should scan the table so slow for large tables by design,
but I found the latter being a slightly faster, but I'm not sure whether
this is always the case.

Max Vlasov
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