On 10-Mar-2011, at 6:52 AM, Jay A. Kreibich wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 11:37:46PM +0100, Armin Kunaschik scratched on the 
> wall:
>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Igor Tandetnik <itandet...@mvps.org> wrote:
>>> INSERT OR REPLACE is indistinguishable from a DELETE followed by INSERT.
>> Is it really DELETE and INSERT internally?
>  Yes and no.  "REPLACE" alters the conflict resolution on UNIQUE
>  constraints.  In all cases, the new row is INSERTed.  In the case of
>  a REPLACE, if the INSERT would cause a UNIQUE constraint violation
>  than any and all rows that are part of the conflict are first
>  deleted before the new row is INSERTed.  In some situations a single
>  INSERT OR REPLACE can actually cause multiple existing rows to be
>  deleted before the new row is inserted.
>  So it is always an INSERT, but sometimes the INSERT triggers one or
>  more internal DELETEs first.

So, that's explain why my column ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, changes when I use 
REPLACE. I could not rely on the ID with this command. 

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