On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Don Ireland <sql...@donireland.com> wrote:

> Thanks for taking the time to respond.  But I'd prefer to learn to use
> SQLite.

Then use sqlite's API. Why require C++? sqlite's API can be used just fine
from C++ programs.

>  If I use one of these wrappers, I have to depend on someone to maintain it
> anytime SQLite is updated.  And from what I can tell, the last update to the
> wrapper code was I n 2007.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it :).

> Just as an example, I'm currently looking for a sample that explains
> iterating through selected data.

But next it could be a diff topic.

Not off topic, but i'm confused about why you explicitly need C++ for that.

Surprisingly (to me), despite sqlite3's being in every device on the planet
nowadays, it is remarkably difficult to find useful sample code. Here's one
i finally dug up which chows how to iterate over a result set:


----- stephan beal
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