I sincerely doubt that sqlite is your problem as everybody else would be seeing 
the same problem.

What is the prfmlt() function?  I would suspect whatever is interpreting your 
output stream is the culprit.

I've seen historically where a period can mean end-of-line.

Michael D. Black

Senior Scientist

NG Information Systems

Advanced Analytics Directorate

From: sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org [sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org] on 
behalf of Daniel Spain [dspai...@msn.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:15 AM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: EXT :[sqlite] Double Spaced Blob Text

hello all i am creating a text mud gamibng engine and has been going great up 
until recently.when a user is examining their current room all the text is 
double spaced.i have tried this as both a blob and text field with a max length 
of 4096. here is my funtion to display long room descriptions: GBOOL 
EXPORTlook(VOID)/* examine current room */{       if(islit(chrptr->loc))        
{            prfmlt(LOKOTH,chrptr->name);             
outmlt(usrnum);       }       else       {           prfmlt(TOODRK);           
outmlt(usrnum);       }       return(TRUE);} here is the database_blob 
function: CHAR * EXPORTdatabase_blob(const CHAR *table,const LONG record,const 
LONG field)/* return blob field value from a table */{     const CHAR *tail;    
 static CHAR ret[4096];      strcpy(ret,"NULL");      sprintf(vdatmp,"SELECT * 
FROM %s WHERE Record = %ld",table,record)
     {         while(sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW)         {           
    strncpy(ret,sqlite3_column_blob(statement,field),4096);         }     }     
 return(ret);}  it all works fine it just double spaces the returned text.some 
of my beta testers stripped all the periods from the text and saidit worked 
fine so i don't know if the periods are somehow sayingmove to the next line or 
what. thanks.
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