> > Why SQLite dropped the 8859 or single byte support for text? Is there
> > any technical reason?
> What do you mean, dropped? What exactly used to worked before and has
stopped working now? What event has occurred between then and now that you
attribute the problem to?

Maybe I had misunderstood some old documentation and release notes talking
about 8859. Specially from http://www.sqlite.org/c_interface.html :

3.7 Library character encoding
By default, SQLite assumes that all data uses a fixed-size 8-bit character
(iso8859). But if you give the --enable-utf8 option to the configure script,
then the library assumes UTF-8 variable sized characters. This makes a
difference for the LIKE and GLOB operators and the LENGTH() and SUBSTR()
functions. The static string sqlite_encoding will be set to either "UTF-8"
or "iso8859" to indicate how the library was compiled. In addition,
thesqlite.h header file will define one of the
macros SQLITE_UTF8 or SQLITE_ISO8859, as appropriate.

Am I wrong? Version 2 never had support for 8859?

Version 3 keeps support for 8859? I can't find current documentation about

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