SELECT AES_ENCRYPT(password, 'abcdffffdsfddafdasfddasd');
is work!
I think I need to find out what is the data type and data lengh for storing the 
encrypt password 

From: Simon Slavin <>
To: Joanne Pham <>; General Discussion of SQLite Database 
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] sql statement to update the data in the table

On 20 Oct 2011, at 1:49am, Joanne Pham wrote:

> it seems like it didn't work.
> For example the password is 'password'. I ran the update statement below and 
> do the AES_DECRYPT the password is null instead of 'password'.

Try just

SELECT AES_ENCRYPT(password, 'abcdffffdsfddafdasfddasd');

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