On 6 Dec 2012, at 7:57pm, dd <durga.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's checking with OK, BUSY, 101 and some other errors. But not disk io,
> image malformed errors. How to handle these errors in run time? these
> databases have critical information about customers. We cannot stop
> application. Any inputs?

Proceeding after anything but SQLITE_OK, and the special result codes expected 
when you do sqlite3_step() will only make more problems.  The first time you 
get an error like DISK IO you have to stop.  Anything written to the database 
after that will probably fail, but if it doesn't fail it'll probably just 
corrupt the database file.

But it's extremely unusual for users of SQLite to see errors 10 or 11.  They 
almost always indicates faulty hardware or that some part of your operating 
system has become corrupt (which might itself be the result of faulty hardware).

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