On Jan 22, 2013, at 8:18 PM, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

> I presume that you are using some kind of input-driven or event driven 
> application which may get a request to process a query "in the middle" of 
> your update transaction.  

That is correct.

> One of the advantages of WAL and using a separate reader and writer 
> connection is that the reader connection will not see "uncommitted" data from 
> the "writer".

This is a good point and one I had not considered because I haven't been bit. 
In our application, the schema itself has kept us out of trouble, since the 
readers generally (always?) deal with a part of the schema uninvolved with the 
data collection. That is, they are looking up data to support the collection, 
but are not interested in the specific data being collected.

Kind of. (It is a complicated program and I would not be surprised if there are 
some corner-cases to this statement.)

It may be worth pursuing this approach anyway to make the most robust wrapper 
possible (and remove these concerns from the working set of things I have to 
worry about!).

> One way you might do this is to modify your wrappers 
>  keep a "usage" count 

Turns out the wrappers already have smart, reference counted objects for 
statement handles and the DB objects themselves, so hooking in the logic you 
suggest would be straightforward.

>  it may be better to think about such possibilities before they notice it and 
> claim your application is "broken" ... or even worse is acting "mysteriously" 
> in their eyes.

So, you've worked here too, eh?  :-)

Anyway, I think this is a powerful model and, given the wrappers, I think I can 
experiment with it in a low-risk way. I look forward to doing so. In other 
news, last night I coded the the "secret singleton handle" -- actually a cache 
keyed by DB filename -- works well, and it may be just me, but I feel like it 
sped up certain operations quite a bit. We'll see what the QA folks tell me 
later on today!

Thanks again for all this. Very productive.

-- Ward

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