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On 26/03/13 14:40, Tim Gustafson wrote:
> Is there a timeline or road map anywhere that could inform us as to
> when we might see that feature added?

In addition to what others have said, if SQLite did implement full ALTER
TABLE support it is unlikely to be implemented any different than what is
already in the FAQ. Note that there are pragmas to temporarily disable
various things like foreign keys and constraint checks.


The storage format for SQLite has each row written out as the values for
each column sequentially.  If you want to delete a column or re-order them
then every row has to be rewritten.

Appending a column was implemented by requiring a column default for the
new column, and if the row read had too few columns then obtain the
missing ones from the defaults.  This didn't require a rewrite of every row.

You can achieve what you want via various means, most recommended first:

- - update your code so that it only needs to append columns

- - change the underlying tables as in FAQ q11 above

- - create a view that presents the schema you want composed of the
underlying tables, with triggers for insert to redirect columns as appropriate

- - convince/pay someone to make a patch that implements what you need and
maintain your fork forwards

- - convince/pay the SQLite team to add it to the core, keeping in mind that
they care about library size and the 'Lite' bit

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