----- Original Message ----- From: "Paolo Bolzoni" <paolo.bolzoni.br...@gmail.com> To: <phi...@blastbay.com>; "General Discussion of SQLite Database" <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Serialize an in-memory database

What is you use case? Why do you need this?
I am asking because maybe it helps thinking alternate solutions...

Hi Paolo,

I have a bunch of data structures in memory that I am looking to replace with an SqLite database, primarily for the purpose of avoiding reinventing the wheel with various sorts etc. I would then like to serialize the data into a memory buffer and do additional processing before finally rendering it to disk. The additional processing might include compression, encryption, and a few other things specific to my application. I would like to avoid saving the data out to a temporary disk file, reading it back in, doing my processing, writing it out into a new file and then finally deleting the temporary file. That seems wasteful to me, and so that's why I am looking into solutions that avoid the temporary files. So far, the memory vfs seems like the best approach.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
P.S. I have looked at the encryption and compression add-ons for SqLite, but I don't need encryption/compression on the fly (just on the entire database in one go), and I don't have the money to purchase the code in the first place.
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