Don't say postgresql is slower :
- I remember now I did then implement the "norvig postgresql",
- and it manages a 20% win over your solution with today postgresql

Anyway, it's indeed a "less inefficient" run for now between SQL motors.

It remains to be seen if improving SQLite in sudoku solving will improve it
for other existing (or not yet imagined) workloads.

** the "norvig" PostgresSQL code **

-- implementing several "logical" algorithms in SQL to solve a sudoku
--   Norvig algorithm from Peter Norvig,
--   Brut Force algorithm from Anton Scheffer,

--       translated per Marcin Mank,
-- Norvig Algorithm =
--   . from given Sudoku problem, generate an array with each cell of the
sudoku being a string with all remaining possibilites
--   . define as "neighbors" of a cell, all cells which must not have the
same piece as this cells, (there are 20 neighbors to each cell)
--   . then analyse the cell (the string) have the less remaining
solutions, but more than 1,
--        .. for a given sudoku position, "play" only on the first cell you
found with the less possibilities, and try each of them,
--           ... replace in this cell the string by the possible piece you
want to try,
--           ... remove the piece you played from the neighbors cells own
possibilities (as it's no more a possibility for them)
--            ... when removing a possibility to a neighbor, if it leave
him only on possibility, "play" it immediately,
--           ... if you remove all the solutions from a neighbor, than
you're not on the sudoku solution path, stop this track.
-- Brut force Algorithm =
--    . try all possible piece in all empty position of the sudoku problem,
from top left to bottom right of the sudoku board cells,
--    . stop a track each time you can't fill the next position
-- Speed result :
--    . brute force loose on the easy and complex sudo, wins on the medium
--    . "Brut" and  "Norvig" algorithms seem to stay mono-thread, giving-up
the competitive advantage of SQL
-- ======================================================================

-- Array usage in SQL (
-- array length (on a dimension) :array_length(anyarray, dimension_integer)
-- array to rowset : select unnest(ARRAY[1,2])
-- rowset to array : ARRAY(SELECT * FROM test)
-- array to string : select array_to_string(ARRAY[1, 2, 3, NULL, 5], ',',
-- string to array : select string_to_array('xx~^~yy~^~zz', '~^~', 'yy')

CREATE OR REPLACE function  format_string_sudoku(board  text [])
-- displays a sudoku "board" in 9x9 form with delimiters (so 13 line
RETURNS setof text
AS $$
with recursive  formatted_string(ss , ind )

as (select '' , 81 FROM generate_series(1,1) lp
union all
   select (case when length($1[ind])=1 then $1[ind] else '_' end) || (case
      when ind % 81=0 then '|<CRLF>============='
      when ind % 27=0 then '|<CRLF>|-----------|<CRLF>|'
      when ind % 9=0 then '|<CRLF>|'
      when ind % 3=0 then '|' else '' end)
      || ss , ind-1 from formatted_string where ind>0 )

select unnest(string_to_array( '=============<CRLF>|' || ss, '<CRLF>'))
from formatted_string where ind=0

CREATE OR REPLACE function neighbors(cell integer)
-- gives back the rowset of neighbors of the given "cell" of any sudoku
AS $$
with list_of(neighbors) as (select   unnest(ARRAY[
      mod( $1 - 1, 9 ) - 8 + lp * 9 ,
      ( ($1 - 1 ) / 9 ) * 9 + lp  ,
       mod( ( ( $1 - 1 ) / 3 ), 3 ) * 3 + ( ( $1 - 1 ) / 27 ) * 27 + lp + (
( lp - 1 ) / 3 ) * 6]) FROM generate_series(1,9) lp
select  distinct * from list_of where

CREATE OR REPLACE function truly_possibles(board text, cell integer)
-- gives the table of possible pieces to put in given "cell"  of the
current  sudoku "board"
-- including the one already in place, if it exists
AS $$

select z from   (SELECT gs::text AS z FROM generate_series(1,9) gs) z
  WHERE  substr( $1,  $2  ,1)=' '  and  NOT EXISTS ( SELECT NULL
                   FROM neighbors($2) lp
                   WHERE   z = substr( $1,   lp  , 1 )
  union select  substr( $1,  $2 ,1 ) z where  substr( $1,  $2 ,1 )<>'

create or replace function create_sudoku_board(initial   text) returns
setof text[]
-- create a sudoku board from the given "s" (string form) sudoku problem
language sql    as

with recursive

-- handle several string presentations of the sudoku board problem to solve
cleaned_starter(starter) as (select
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(initial,'\n|\=|\-|\|', '' ,'g' ),'\.','
','g'  )),

-- recursively generate the board from the bottom right cell to the top
left of the sudoku board
board_generator( t  , board , next_cell  ) AS
( SELECT starter, array[array_to_string(array(select * from
truly_possibles(starter , length(starter) )),'')] , length(starter)-1  from
  SELECT t , array[array_to_string(array(select * from truly_possibles(t ,
next_cell)),'')] ||board, next_cell-1   FROM   board_generator where
  select board from board_generator where next_cell=0

create or replace function next_move(board  text []) returns integer
-- select a position of the given board with the less solutions (but more
than 1)
language sql as
with recursive

-- scan recursively all cells to find the best_cell with the least
solutions (over 1)
-- don't continue the scanning if you find an ideal "2 solutions" cell
before the end
board_scanning(  best_cell  , best_count , this_cell  ) AS
( SELECT  0, 99 , array_length(board,1)
  SELECT  (case when this_length between 2  and best_count-1 then
this_cell  else best_cell end),
          (case when this_length between 2  and best_count-1 then
length(board[this_cell]) else best_count end),
          (case when this_length=2 then 0 else this_cell-1 end)
          from (select length(board[this_cell]) this_length ,
board_scanning.* FROM board_scanning where this_cell>0  ) temp
  select best_cell from board_scanning where this_cell=0

create or replace function play_move(board  text [] , best_cell integer,
piece text) returns setof text[]
-- on the current sudoku "board", play in "best_cell" the given "piece"
language sql as

-- put the piece in the given best_cell
-- then remove that piece from all neighbors possibilities
-- if it was the last freedom of a given neighbor, then recursively play
the "no_freedom" piece on that neighbor
with recursive
board_updating( s  ,   neighbor_index  , neighborhood   ) AS
     -- put the piece in the given best_cell, and prepare to scan the 20
     SELECT  board[1:(best_cell-1)] ||array[piece]
||board[(best_cell+1):999],   20 as neighbor_index , array(select * from
neighbors(best_cell) as erer)
     SELECT (case  when neighbor_new_freedom=1 and   neighbor_old_freedom=2
                   -- if it was the last freedom of a given neighbor, then
recursively play the "no_freedom" piece on that neighbor
                   play_move(s_after,  neighborhood[neighbor_index],
                   -- if it not the last freedom of a given neighbor, just
proceed on next neighbor
                   s_after end),
              neighbor_index-1   , neighborhood
           -- remove the played piece from all neighbors possibilities
           select s[1:(neighborhood[neighbor_index]-1)]
||replace(s[neighborhood[neighbor_index]], $3, '')
||s[(neighborhood[neighbor_index]+1):999] as s_after,
                 length(replace(s[neighborhood[neighbor_index]], $3, ''))
as neighbor_new_freedom,
                 length(s[neighborhood[neighbor_index]]) as
                 neighborhood, neighbor_index
           FROM   board_updating   where neighbor_index>0  ) as q2
           where neighbor_new_freedom > 0
  -- play induced moves
  select s from board_updating where  neighbor_index=0 -- and s not empty ?

create or replace function solve_a_sudoku_with_brutforce(initial text)
returns  setof text
-- our problem to solve
language sql as
with recursive

-- handle several string presentations of the sudoku board problem to solve
cleaned_starter(starter) as (select
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(initial,'\n|\=|\-|\|', '' ,'g' ),'\.','
','g'  )),

x( s, ind ) as
( select starter, position( ' ' in starter ) from cleaned_starter
  union all
    select substr( s, 1, ind - 1 ) || z || substr( s, ind + 1 )
       , position(' ' in repeat('x',ind) || substr( s, ind + 1 ) )
    from x
       ,  (select gs::text as z from generate_series(1,9) gs)z
    where ind > 0
    and not exists ( select null
                   from generate_series(1,9) lp
                   where z.z = substr( s, ( (ind - 1 ) / 9 ) * 9 + lp, 1 )
                   or    z.z = substr( s, mod( ind - 1, 9 ) - 8 + lp * 9, 1
                   or    z.z = substr( s, mod( ( ( ind - 1 ) / 3 ), 3 ) * 3
                                      + ( ( ind - 1 ) / 27 ) * 27 + lp
                                      + ( ( lp - 1 ) / 3 ) * 6
                                   , 1 )
  select format_string_sudoku(create_sudoku_board(initial))
union all
  select format_string_sudoku(create_sudoku_board(s)) from x where ind = 0

create or replace function solve_a_sudoku_with_brutforce(initial text)
returns  setof text
-- our problem to solve
language sql as
with recursive

-- handle several string presentations of the sudoku board problem to solve
cleaned_starter(starter) as (select
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(initial,'\n|\=|\-|\|', '' ,'g' ),'\.','
','g'  )),
neighb(ind_n, lp20) as (select   lp,    neighbors(lp)     from
generate_series(1, 81) lp ),
x( s, ind ) as
( select starter, position( ' ' in starter ) from cleaned_starter
  union all
    select substr( s, 1, ind - 1 ) || z || substr( s, ind + 1 )
       , position(' ' in repeat('x',ind) || substr( s, ind + 1 ) )
     from  (select gs::text as z from generate_series(1,9) gs)z , (select
s , ind  from x  where ind > 0 ) tt
           where  z not in   ( select  substr( s,  lp20  , 1 ) from neighb
where ind_n=ind

  select format_string_sudoku(create_sudoku_board(initial))
union all
  select format_string_sudoku(create_sudoku_board(s)) from x where ind = 0

create or replace function solve_a_sudoku_with_norvig(initial text)
returns  setof text
-- our problem to solve
language sql as
$$  with recursive

q (s, next_move , ind) as (
select    tt , next_move(tt) as posit   ,0  from (select
create_sudoku_board(initial)  as tt  ) sds
select tt ,   next_move(tt) as posit , ind+1 from (select play_move(s,
next_move, unnest(string_to_array(s[next_move] ,Null)))as tt , ind from q
where next_move>0) as ertrt

 select format_string_sudoku(create_sudoku_board(initial))
union all
 select format_string_sudoku(s) from q where next_move = 0


create or replace function solve_a_sudoku(initial text, algorithm text)
returns  setof text
language sql as
select (case when lower(algorithm)='norvig' then
solve_a_sudoku_with_norvig(initial) else
solve_a_sudoku_with_brutforce(initial) end)


create or replace function sudoku_problem(initial integer) returns   text
-- all our problems
language sql as
select portfolio[initial] from (select array[
....8..79' --easy


-- medium


--hardest (35s)


--hard (28s) "easter monster"

    ] as portfolio) as our_portfolio

-- let's play sudoku
-- problem ( 1 or 2 or 3) , algorithm choosen ('Norvig' or 'Brutforce')
-- beware , response time of up to 5 minutes on problem 3 with 'Brutforce'
--select   lp, array(select   neighbors(lp) from generate_series(1,1 )
--)    from generate_series(1, 81) lp

 select solve_a_sudoku(sudoku_problem(3), 'Norvig')
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