The latest patch for this is:


(1) Reword the banner to make it more terse and to try to avoid "banner

(2) If opened with no command-line arguments (and hence on an in-memory
database) output a warning in the banner.

   (a)  On unix the warning is bold.
   (b)  On windows the warning is bold and red.
   (c)  The warning suggests the use of ".open FILENAME"

(3) Added the ".save" command as an alias for ".backup".  But there is no
mention of this in the banner.  (Trying to keep the banner succinct.)

There is no warning prior to close because (in my experience) most users
will do a hard kill of some kind (Ctrl-D or closing the console window) in
which case no warning is possible.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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