> a normal DB where writing does not happen often I would suggest a SSD...
> but anything with a very active read/write cycle is best avoided

If you were to quantify this, would you say that "active" starts at once
per second, many times per second, once a min or...?

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 3:47 PM, RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> On 2014/03/03 23:11, romtek wrote:
>> Simon, does a real disk have to be a rotating hard disk? Is there  problem
>> with SSDs as far as SQLite is concerned?
> No, what Simon is trying to point out is simply that the write performance
> experienced by L. Wood might be because journal writes might be synced to
> hard disk (in rotating disk cases anyway) and as such cause delays all
> throughout the transaction even if they are not holding up the final
> commit.  Not because this is in error or wrong in any way, simply as trying
> to explain why he sees the performance spread he sees.
> Other reasons might be excessively large binds causing the cache to spill
> or simply have memory writes taking so long that it seems to cause
> inter-transaction delays, although if that were the case one would expect
> the final commit to take a lot longer even.
> My money is still on the specific pragmas used which might be forcing
> syncs or non-ACID operation. We would need to have the DB schema and the
> typical query to really test why it works the way it works in his case.
> One note on SSD's, they pose no physical problem to SQLite, and in fact
> works magically fast, but having a DB which read/write a LOT of data on
> them is not really great since  the repeated read-write cycle of specific
> data areas tire down the typical NAND flash that makes up the SSD, even
> though modern SSDs may use MLC NAND or have firmware that tries to exercise
> every bit in memory equally so as to spread the write operations to avoid
> one piece of disk-memory dying quickly. Eventually though, when all bits of
> memory experienced upwards of 500K write operations (which is quite a
> while), it will fail... but you will have lots of warning. A read-only DB
> on an SSD drive cannot be beaten... even a normal DB where writing does not
> happen often I would suggest a SSD... but anything with a very active
> read/write cycle is best avoided - or at a minimum backed up by a good old
> rotating magnetic platter drive.
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