On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 11:46 AM, RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
>   WITH csvrec(i,l,c,r) AS (
>       SELECT tmpcsv.ID, 1, colCSV||',', '' FROM tmpcsv
>       SELECT i,
>              instr(c,',') AS vLen,
>              substr(c,instr(c,',')+1) AS vRem,
>              substr(c,1,instr(c,',')-1) AS vCSV
>       FROM csvrec
>       WHERE vLen>0
>     )
>   SELECT t.ID, t.colA, rt.r FROM tmpcsv AS t, csvrec AS rt
>   WHERE t.ID=rt.i AND rt.r<>''
>   LIMIT 100

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing that. But can this CTE be turned
into a view? Or does one need to retype the whole "algorithm" every
time one needs "join" on the "virtual" unrolled CSV field table? And
assuming such a "CTE view" can de defined, what if one selects from
the "CTE view" with a WHERE clause, to get only the CSV fields of a
single row of scvrec, would that prevent the whole "tmpcsv" result-set
for every row of csvrec to be generated?

If the answer to either question above is true, then a specialized
vtable would be both more convenient and faster, no?

Your CTE has the great benefit to work out of the box though, unlike a
vtable, so it's a great example nonetheless. Thanks again for that.
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