On Apr 7, 2014, at 3:28 PM, Dominique Devienne <ddevie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For those interested, here's an article along the same lines that
> better demonstrate what I mean by the above:
> http://technology.amis.nl/2013/06/26/oracle-database-12c-joining-and-outer-joining-with-collections/

Aha! That’s what that mysterious CROSS/OUTER APPLY is all about. Thanks for the 
link :)

> The new Oracle 12c join syntax is basically just syntax sugar hiding
> the TABLE operator and its implicit COLUMN_VALUE column.

Well, table( … ) can apply to records (e.g. pipelined function) with fully 
named attributes.

So, really, we are saying this is rather high cholesterol for outer/full/cross 
join table( pipeline( parameter, ... ) )? Is it really worthwhile a full blown 
new keyword/concept? Doubtful. 

Anyway… back to SQLite :)

As James K. Lowden kindly, and repetitively, pointed out:


Perhaps worthwhile quoting a few words:

"Questions are frequently asked about table designs that are hopelessly wrong. 
The solution to the question is not to write the query, but to re-write the 
table, after which the query will practically write itself.

Perhaps the most egregious example is a column whose value is a list or, in SQL 
terms, a repeating group. The elements in the list are perhaps comma-separated, 
and some poor schlep has the task of selecting or joining on the the nth 
element in the list.”

Don’t be *that* schlep.

N.B. There is no glory in beautifully solving a hopelessly wrong problem.

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