2014-07-01 21:12 GMT+02:00 RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za>:
> I seem to remember a similar question having surfaced some time ago but
> cannot find the reference now - so let me ask the great forum devs again:
> WIll the 64-bit version of sqlite3.exe be able to use >2GB of memory for
> itself

Really don't know, but I guess the answer should be: Yes.
Just try it, I'm interested in your feed-back.

> is this different to the 32bit version, and if so, does anyone have
> a pre-compiled 64bit sqlite3.exe version please?

There is now, you can download it here:

sqlite3.exe is (cross-)compiled using the MinGW-w64 compiler as follows:
    x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -o sqlite3.exe -DUSE_SYSTEM_SQLITE=1
shell.c sqlite3.dll
    x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip -o sqlite3.exe

This means that it's only a small .exe (64 kB) which uses a (64-bit, 547 kB)
"sqlite3.dll" residing in the same directory to do the real work.
You can replace sqlite3.dll with any other (64-bit) version, if it works
then the dll is compatible with the SQLite 3.8.5 shell, if it doesn't work
then there is some incompatibility (no guarantees, but it works
with the 64-bit sqlite3.dll download provided by
<http://wwwsqlite.org/download.html> as well).

      Jan Nijtmans
sqlite-users mailing list

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