James K. Lowden wrote:

>If the answer to every question, concern, and suggestion is that it
>already works for millions of programs, there is no point in discussion
>or further development.  Just use what's there because it's already

Permission to differ, James!

Since there is no such thing as a perfect application, because no living 
perfect developer exists except probably (the) God(s).
SQLite however comes pretty
 close, that's why it has millions of users, fans if you like to call them like 

BTW (someone else wrote this): to call a program 'crappy' sounds a wee bit 

No body is perfect, but some are more perfect than other.


Kind regards | Cordiali saluti | Vriendelijke groeten | Freundliche Grüsse,
Klaas `Z4us` V  - OrcID 0000-0001-7190-2544
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