On Sat, 5 Jul 2014 17:48:41 +0100
Klaas V <klaasva...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> James K. Lowden wrote:
> >If the answer to every question, concern, and suggestion is that it
> >already works for millions of programs, there is no point in
> >discussion or further development.  Just use what's there because
> >it's already perfect. 
> Permission to differ, James!

Granted, Klass!  ;-) 

> Since there is no such thing as a perfect application, because no
> living perfect developer exists except probably (the) God(s). SQLite
> however comes pretty close, that's why it has millions of users, fans
> if you like to call them like that. 

I don't understand.  You latched onto "perfect".  Do you maintain your
point if I withdraw it and say only, "Just use what's there because
it's good enough for them"?  

Let me explain why "millions" is not, ipso facto, an argument.  

The set of people who will voice reasonable but rare
documentation complaints on this list might be expressed as

        N = U ? K ? D ? S ? V

        U is the set of SQLite programmers
        K is the set knowledgable enough to see a flaw 
          (not just a missing feature or pet peeve)
        D is the set who care about documentation
        S is the set who subscribe to this list
        V is the set who will voice their concern

N might be very small, even if U is measured in millions, if D, S, and
V are small subsets.  We know S, D, and V to be small relative to U. 
We hardly need make assertions about K.  

Relieve any of those constraints, say, K, and you have a larger set.
The number of people who do not see a real flaw grows with the knowledge
necessary to understand it.  The fact that no one has mentioned a
concern previously could be an indication it is not valid.  It
could also just be an indication it's not apparent to D ? S ? V.  

So, you see, perfection is not relevant and millions is not many!  

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