On 7 Sep 2014, at 5:34pm, Joe Mucchiello <jmucchie...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Sorry, but if VS13 is a supported compiler. 

Actually I don't know what 'supported compiler' means for SQLite.  I'm not even 
sure specific compilers are supported.  I think any appeal would have to be 
made referring to the C specification, not a specific compiler.

> Then whatever it reports as an error should be fixed. 

First, your compiler reported it as a warning, not an error.

Second, see question 17 in the FAQ:


Third, the bit where I explain why the developer team is so annoying about 
that.  It's because SQLite has to compile with a huge number of compilers on a 
huge number of platforms.  And many have strange ideas about what to warn 
about, and they differ for different compilers, and even for different versions 
of the same compiler.  If the developers started adding stuff for every 
compiler people would use, the source code would acquire a lot of extra lines 
and characters which added no functionality and fixed no bugs.  Once you get 
past a certain number of compilers, keeping them all happy is almost impossible.

So sorry, but the thing you spotted, which I can see is worth a warning, is 
probably not going to be fixed.

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