I'm making up a small database (for yet another tool I never plan on
releasing) and during the table creation, I had a thought about the "Not
Null" and "On Conflict" resolution mechanism.

When adding a NULL value to a table that has the NOT NULL flag set on that
field, instead of raising an exception, if the field definition were to
have the word "USE" between "ON CONFLICT" and "DEFAULT" in its declaration,
it'd use whatever the fields default value was set to.  If USE is included,
the DEFAULT value must be included, otherwise the table isn't created.

So a sample of the new format, and expected results:

CREATE TABLE [ModGroups] (
  [GroupName] CHAR,

insert into ModGroups (GroupID, GroupName, ActiveOnServer, ActiveOnClient)
values (1,'Test',0,0);
select * from ModGroups;

update ModGroups set ActiveOnServer=null where GroupID = 1;
select * from ModGroups;

The benefit of this would be that you'd absolutely enforce the NOT NULL
constraint by populating it with something that isn't NULL, and you'd
potentially be filling the value with something of relevance, and you
wouldn't have an exception for something that should have a default value
anyways.  I can't see this as breaking existing databases as this would be
a new feature set.  Anything that exists in the wild won't use the new
routine, but, anything going forward would, so long it is defined as such.

There are cases, of course, where you'd want to raise an exception when
trying to insert a null value, however, for those reasons you wouldn't use
the word USE, but for my purpose, on a boolean field, having a third option
just doesn't make sense, so, I'd rather default it to whatever I assigned
as a default than raise an exception.  This might negate my looking at bad
code, but, at least my data wouldn't get hurt.

Since SQLite doesn't have type affinities, I know I could insert 'ABCD' in
either 'ActiveOn*' field directly via the CLI or a 3rd party SQLite DB
manager and it'd cause my app to crap as it isn't something it would
consider or designed to put into the field, but, if the app ever did come
across that kind of issue, having it set the value to NULL as a protection
mechanism would again add another layer of protection on the data to
eliminate bad data.  Something like [ update ModGroups set
ActiveOnServer=null where not ActiveOnServer in (0,1) ] would be a fast and
easy update.  The application wouldn't need to be aware of what the default

The one downside I just realized is that ON CONFLICT can be used outside of
the table declarations as well, so perhaps a different word or signal might
be needed for it to make linguistic sense, or, this version of ON CONFLICT
USE DEFAULT can only be used in the tables field def'n.

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