On Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:48:41 +0200
RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> > UPDATE pages SET position = position + 1 WHERE book_id = 0 AND
> > position >= 1;
> NOT a bug...  the moment you SET position to position +1 for the
> first iteration of the query, it tries to make that entry look like
> (0,2) and there is of course at this point in time already an entry
> like (0,2).

Yes, that's how SQLite works, or doesn't.  Whether or not it's a bug
depends on how you define the term.  

The issue has come up here before: contrary to the SQL standard, SQLite
does not support constraint enforcement with transaction semantics.
I've never heard of another SQL DBMS that behaves that way.  

        sqlite> create table T (t int primary key);
        sqlite> insert into T values (1), (2);
        sqlite> update T set t = t+1;
        Error: column t is not unique

As the OP discovered, the one recourse is to relieve the constraint
during the update.  Another is to update a temporary table, and then
delete & insert the rows in a transaction.  I would say "must implement
one's own transaction semantics" is, if not a bug, at least a

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