On Sat, 7 Feb 2015 11:27:59 +0530, Abdul Aziz <abduldblog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there!
> I hope you are well!
> Recently I was working on project based on Android Sensors and encountered
> a bug in sqlite db, situation was this:
> I was setting there three values x,y,z as FLOAT, android inbuilt sensors
> were receiving values as float upto 8 decimal places, but I wanted to store
> value only upto 6 decimal place, so in android this is the way that first
> you will have to convert that value into String , as* String sLongitude =
> String.format("%.6f", x);*

As others have said, you shouldn't confuse the storage 
format (how a value is stored in the database) with
the presentation (how data is displayed on output).

Luckily, recently sqlite got a printf() function.


$ sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.8.8 2015-01-30 20:59:27
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> create table t3 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, lat REAL, lon REAL);
sqlite> insert into t3 (id,lat,lon) VALUES (1,1.234567890123,5.6789012345678);
sqlite> select printf('id:%3d, latitude: %9.6f, longitude: %9.6f',id,lat,lon) 
from t3;
id:  1, latitude:  1.234568, longitude:  5.678901

Hope this helps.


Kees Nuyt

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