Simon Slavin <slavins at> wrote:

> On 29 Apr 2015, at 9:39am, Scott Robison <scott at> wrote:
>> On windows, malloc returns null if the allocation fails. Sqlite detects
>> this and returns an error.
>> On linux, malloc may return a non null yet invalid pointer and only fail
>> when the memory is accessed because it wasn't really available.
>> If Sqlite is not at fault when posix APIs lie about file locking, I don't
>> think Sqlite is responsible when malloc lies about what should be
>> considered a failed memory allocation which should return null.
> Okay, I see your distinction.  Yes, Linux is lying about malloc having 
> succeeded.
> And there's no further way to check the block it handed back apart from 
> trying to
> use it, which triggers the error.  A program can't do anything about a lying 
> OS,
> so SQLite is not at fault.

I'd suggest to try reproducing the problem on Linux after disabling
memory overcommit  (at least temporarily for the experimentation):

* If it returns SQLITE_NOMEM without segfault, then it's not a bug
  but a limitation of SQLite which uses lots of memory for FTS, or
  a leak in the application.
* If it still segfaults, then there is a bug in SQLite or in the application.


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