On 24 Aug 2015, at 2:32am, Roger Binns <rogerb at rogerbinns.com> wrote:

> On 08/19/2015 05:56 PM, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
>> I left running the pragma quick check during the night and finished
>> in 2 hours and 46 minutes, so it is about 8 times slower than in
>> ext4. Zfs is an advanced filesystem plenty of features, but this
>> speed difference is too much I think.
> I use btrfs which like zfs is also a copy on write filesystem.  It is
> possible for the files to get very fragmented which can result in
> dismal performance, even on an SSD even for reads.  Random small
> writes especially aggravate this.  btrfs has an autodefrag option that
> addresses this in the background, and SQLite is specifically mentioned
> as all the browsers use it behind the scenes as do many email clients.

Paolo is using Linux which does not do read-ahead optimization like some 
versions of Windows.  Therefore if he really is using an SSD then fragmentation 
is not an issue.

The other thing that makes me think fragmentation is a red herring is the 
extent to which ZFS is slower.  I have seen fragmentation make something take 
twice as long.  I might even believe, under some weird situation, it makes 
something take 4 times as long.  But not 6 or 8.

My suspicion here is that there's a design fault in ZFS.  I can't call it a bug 
under the rules of this list, since it is giving the right result, just 
ridiculously slowly.  But whatever it is I'm betting that it's not a problem in 
the code for SQLite, it's a problem in the code for ZFS.  And it'll take a ZFS 
expert to solve it, probably on a ZFS mailing list, not this one.

The one possible exception would be if the SQLite database page size and the 
ZFS sector size are causing problems with one-another.  But here too the best 
diagnosis would be done by a ZFS expert.  And anyway, /nothing/ should cause a 
slow-down of a factor of 8.


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