We use SQLite as a library and we don't want to migrate to a server situation.

So it seems using the month-to-month approach you outline is
reasonable and not outrageous. Good to know.

Thanks for the tip on schema modifications which get automatically
upgraded on read. This is a great feature. I think I might try that
out for my application.

Does your code also map object hierarchies in json? What general
format do you use? Each object type gets stored in a separate table?

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 7:03 PM, Roger Binns <rogerb at rogerbinns.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/13/2015 05:43 PM, Hayden Livingston wrote:
>> Is there a concept of a schema-less JSON SQLite DB?
> What exactly is it you want?  A schema-less database?  A JSON
> database? Using SQLite to store JSON?  (It is unclear if you mean
> something like SQLite, or SQLite itself).  Something small and light?
>  A library not a server?
> Be aware that you can dynamically update the SQLite schema, and that
> it takes no time to do so.  Another database I won't name locks the
> database and rewrites each record.  This can take hours or even days.
>  SQLite just updates the schema table, and fills in defaults for
> records written before the schema change, on reads.  I wrote some code
> the other day that takes JSON and does the schema manipulation,
> although it is annoying.  (It would be really great if SQLite
> supported arrays like Postgres does.)
> You can also store arbitrary JSON in a column.  You won't be able to
> query it effectively, but you can duplicate values into columns you
> can do queries and indexes on.
>> My reason is simple: versioning. We have lot of business metrics
>> that get updated let's say once a month, and we need to be agile to
>> get them. Right now, we just put the version in the SQLite file,
>> and then make sure no queries cross the boundaries.
> You can also use multiple databases, and attach them.  For example if
> you operate on a month by month basis, then you can put each month's
> data in a separate SQLite file, then attach last month's as
> 'lastmonth', and use in queries (eg SELECT blah blah WHERE bar.foo >
> lastmonth.bar.foo)
>> Do others have experiences and requirements similar to this?
> All the time.  I use SQLite when I don't need networked access, a
> running database server, and need less things that can go wrong.
> Mapping JSON into this is painful but possible.
> When I can use a database server, I prefer Mongodb as it is very good
> at arbitrary JSON in, the same arbitrary JSON back out.  It is
> especially pleasant that the query syntax has the same shape as the
> underlying JSON data.  Also JSON maps trivially to Python which I use
> the most.  (Note however that Mongodb does have some issues, but so
> does much other software out there.  Production use does require
> effort & planning as does other software.)
> In the longer term Postgres is getting increasingly better JSON
> support.  Hopefully it will give Mongodb a run for its money soon.
> Roger
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