On 3 Jun 2015, at 8:54pm, Justin Clift <justin at postgresql.org> wrote:

> It looks like the SourceForge admin staff have taken control
> of the "sqlite" project on SourceForge:
>  http://sourceforge.net/mirror/sqlite/

Don't worry about it.  As the page says, the SourceForge page on SQLite is just 
a mirror rather than being the real page to coordinate and distribute SQLite.  
You can see the laziness involved in their mirror, since although the page has 
the URL you supplied and says just 'SQLite' for its title, the default download 


which is by no means the entirety of SQLite.  I'm guessing it has 
auto-configured to show the file most often downloaded.

They're doing something the license for SQLite says they can do.  But they 
don't pretend to be the proper SQLite page and they do link to SQLite's proper 
site.  I don't see them doing much harm.


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